There are many ways to support Grace. Only with your help we can continue to grow our programs and educate our community. As we approach our 100th year anniversary it is important to note that in 1923, a total of 100 families each gave $500 to raise $50,000 and purchase our church building! Four years ago we were able to raise $100,000 to replace eighteen stained glass windows.
With a parish of 135 families, Grace Church reach’s out and asks you to offer support and help to our special community here in Harlem. Our commitment to helping the neighborhood, especially the children and the elderly has proved to be challenging in these economic times. We have wonderful programs in place that are in jeopardy due to lack of funding. With Your help, we can change all that! I am writing to ask for your help in raising $100,000 for Grace Church and its programs.
Music Ministry – Children’s Choir: A new program that we would like to start is a Sunday morning Children’s Choir. Here neighborhood children will learn music and participate in performing before the congregation. $10K is needed to initiate this program.
Music Ministry – Thursday Jazz Vespers: Begun February 2012, our monthly Thursday night Jazz Vespers is offering our members and the community a way to Worship in a New Key. Notable jazz music ensembles have performed for this unique and stimulating musical offering. $20K will allow us to continue this program.
Park Ministry: Every Sunday the Ecclesia Ministries visit 15 parks throughout NYC. We offer a Christian service, communion and lunch for 50 people at each park. This program has been in place for four years and $20K is needed for it to continue.
Camp Summer Love: For six weeks every summer, Grace Church offers 9 underprivileged children from the neighborhood ages 5 to 12 years old a full time camp program. Camp Summer Love provides a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn, play, swim and make friends. This program needs $20K to subsidize the cost of the program since each child pays only $50 a week for the opportunity.
Technology & Systems Upgrade: The $30K required for this program will allow Grace to purchase equipment to record and publish sermons for its members. A live stream will also allow those members who are homebound or unable to attend the weekly service to maintain their connection to the church community.
Eldercare Ministry: With the ever-aging population Grace is committed to helping families deal with parents suffering from dementia, and Alzheimer’s. Our plan is offer workshops to help caregivers to understand, and emotionally deal with these painful mental afflictions. Additional workshops will address diet and exercise, as diabetes in Harlem is the nation’s highest. $10K will allow these workshops to be held.
So join us and make a pledge to Grace Congregational Church of Harlem, UCC and help us grow and flourish.
Grace Congregational Church of Harlem, UCC
310 West 139th Street
Harlem, New York 10030
212- 694- 4263