The Effects of Endometriosis.
In recognition of Women’s History Month, I know I am behind schedule, but I find it most important to discuss the topic of ENDOMETRIOSIS because this affects one in ten women worldwide who have been suffering for years. I started with this so you could feel the impact of this disease before I explained what it is. This disease can impact the intestinal tract and the urinary system like the ureter, bladder, and urethra. It goes beyond the pelvis structures, hitting the pleura, the pericardium, or the central nervous system.
According to the Endometriosis Association, women also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, allergies, hypothyroidism, as well as other issues. They are at higher risk for cancer, autoimmune and heart disease.
I understand every woman with these issues may not automatically have Endometriosis, but I want women to be aware that it may be an issue when and if these symptoms arise. Health isn’t looked at entirely only in segments, so connections are not made. This is a breakdown in the healthcare system that needs to be addressed, which is why Health One would be an asset to this country. Women endure this debilitating pain that is constantly misdiagnosed for years at a time until they reach the right doctor who listens and does the research. Here are 2 videos partly of the same woman and additional women speaking about this disease and the constant misdiagnoses, one is THE MYSTERY OF ENDOMETRIOSIS, and the other is THEY DIDN’T BELIEVE ME.
I remember as a young teenager being at work and watching a colleague my age suffer enormous pain from her cycle so bad that another colleague and I had to take her home because she couldn’t walk. I never thought a cycle could be so painful, and dangerous until now.
Unaware, she could have been suffering from this disease, and doctors were not aware of this condition at that time. I have been going on not explaining what this disease is, and now I am ready.

Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus. This tissue can be found in organs such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the lining of the pelvic cavity. Unlike the normal endometrium, this tissue has no way to exit the body, leading to inflammation, pain, and the formation of scar tissue.

Here is a couple of videos to help clear up any confusion by Mayo Clinic, EXPLAINS ENDOMETRIOSIS and ENDOMETRIOSIS CAUSES, PATHOPHSIOLOGY, SYMPTOMS, DIAGNOSES, AND TREATMENT. Both videos are effective with the explanation and providing visuals so, I will let you choose which one you prefer to watch.
These videos pretty much cover what you need to know concerning Endometriosis, there signs, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments. Nonetheless, I also have learned that many doctors are still unaware of this disease, but being that more people are making them aware provides the help that women need even though it is still a work in progress. Being able to know the signs and symptoms and gain an accurate diagnosis provides women with fewer years of pain and stress; all things are better when it is caught early, and it provides the patient an advantage by knowing this information.
LISTEN: You Are What You Eat
I will conclude by saying, there is also something called Extra-Pelvic Endometriosis, which is rare. It occurs in a distant site from the gynecological organs, which remains a mystery.
Tia mentions it very briefly in this upcoming video when she talks about the eye. I actually wrote this before listening to Tia’s Mowry video, which validates what I’m about to say: pay close attention to your body, even to what you crave, because your body may be telling you what it needs. For example, I crave liver when my body needs iron. I crave junk foods or starch when I’m feeling stressed or emotional. I sometimes am hungry when my body needs water. My body communicates with me when it dislikes or needs something. For example, my body feels harmony when I ingest something I love, like acorn squash, and beet soup, as opposed to epinephrine which is naturally produced in my body kicks in to get rid of something, or I feel a weird feeling in my brain when I eat something my body dislikes; because your body is your second brain, that is a story for another time.

Of course, you may not know everything about your body, but you’ll learn along the way, and of course, we have doctors to assist us with that mission. Your body may provide you with the answers you need if you take the time to listen. I will finish by saying, that your diet plays a role in your health, I will let Tia Mowry provide you with this information, Tia Mowry on her Endometriosis journey.
Even though Tia didn’t mention physical activity, I will; we all need it, so let’s go on this FITTHELIFESTYLE journey together. What you put into your body, takes care of your BRAINS, and your BEAUTY inside, and out. This is Lady J saying I hope you had a wonderful Women’s Month and an even better April.
Lady J